Jamaican Dollar(JMD) To Norwegian Krone(NOK)
This is the page of Jamaican Dollar (JMD) to Norwegian Krone (NOK) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Norwegian Krone(NOK) To Jamaican Dollar(JMD).
60 JMD
4.33774 NOK
60 Norwegian Krone To Jamaican Dollar
Exchange Rates Updated: Jan 06,2025 18:23 UTC
Full history please visit JMD/NOK History
Convert Jamaican Dollar(JMD) To Norwegian Krone(NOK)
1 JMD = | 0.0723 NOK | 13.8321 JMD = | 1 NOK |
2 JMD = | 0.14459 NOK | 27.6642 JMD = | 2 NOK |
5 JMD = | 0.36148 NOK | 69.1605 JMD = | 5 NOK |
10 JMD = | 0.72296 NOK | 138.32101 JMD = | 10 NOK |
15 JMD = | 1.08443 NOK | 207.48151 JMD = | 15 NOK |
20 JMD = | 1.44591 NOK | 276.64201 JMD = | 20 NOK |
25 JMD = | 1.80739 NOK | 345.80252 JMD = | 25 NOK |
50 JMD = | 3.61478 NOK | 691.60504 JMD = | 50 NOK |
Jamaican Dollar(JMD) To Norwegian Krone(NOK) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Jamaican Dollar | Norwegian Krone |
Sunday 05/01/2025 | 60 JMD = | 4.38413 NOK |
Saturday 04/01/2025 | 60 JMD = | 4.38654 NOK |
Friday 03/01/2025 | 60 JMD = | 4.37837 NOK |
Thursday 02/01/2025 | 60 JMD = | 4.38962 NOK |
Wednesday 01/01/2025 | 60 JMD = | 4.37156 NOK |
Tuesday 31/12/2024 | 60 JMD = | 4.37156 NOK |
Monday 30/12/2024 | 60 JMD = | 4.37156 NOK |
Sunday 29/12/2024 | 60 JMD = | 4.37103 NOK |
Saturday 28/12/2024 | 60 JMD = | 4.37189 NOK |
Friday 27/12/2024 | 60 JMD = | 4.36734 NOK |
Full history please visit JMD/NOK Exchange Rates History
Convert 60 Jamaican Dollar(JMD) to other currencies
Popular Jamaican Dollar(JMD) Pairing
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